Thursday 19 January 2012

love hormones

Physical contacts such as hugging, cuddling, massage, eye contacts etc. help to boost the love hormones or oxytocin. It'll destress you and stimulate your feelings and mood. It will act against fear, anxiety and high blood pressure. With high oxytocin levels, we will be radiating love and the people around us may even be able to sense our radiating love and will feel calm and peaceful in our presence!

Here are some ways to increase the love hormones in your body:

Happily married women quickly released a dose of oxytocin when asked to think about their husbands

While walking, just linking arms, holding hands, or draping an arm around your significant other, child, or person you care for can produce an increase in oxytocin.

Adults seeking an oxytocin surge should believe in good sex. The hugging and touching during foreplay fires up oxytocin, and orgasm spikes the hormone level to two times the normal amount. This imparts a relaxed feeling and a greater opportunity to bond with your partner.

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